"Tung-shan was a ninth-century Chinese master. One day when he was crossing a stream he saw his own reflection in it. He at once composed the following poem:
«Do not seek the truth from others:
Further and further he will retreat from
Alone I go,
And I come across him wherever
I look.
He his no other than myself,
And yet I am not he.
When this is understood,
I am face to face with suchness (Tathata)»
Anne Bancroft, Zen, Thames and Hudson, p.75.
Nota: "Tathata" é um termo budista que quer dizer: «Naturalidade». Qualidade do que é da natureza de Buda: «Budeidade».
Imagem que figura no livro de Bancroft:: Tung-shan Crossing the stream, painting by Ma Yüan, China, 13th c. National Museum, Tokyo.
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